Monday, January 16, 2006

Microsoft and Grid Computing

According to various people in the industry, microsoft is set to make an entry into grid computing. This will be sometime in the second quarter when the Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003 ships.

MS has already been seen partnering with Platform Computing and accolades to Digipede. We might as well see MS taking over some grid computing companies :)

While we are on the subject, below is a quote from a grid meter article:
Many questions still remain, and admittedly the above are a fairly disjoint collection of observations with no real central theme. So how does this warrant a position on a 2006 watch list? Five hundred pound gorilla jokes aside, Microsoft obviously has something brewing in the area of Grid computing, and they have a history of proving they can't be ignored. - whats_microsoft.html
And you might already know that Tony Hey and Fabrizio Gagliardi both joined Microsoft last year. Tony Hey is an internationally recognized leader in parallel computing and has been a key driver in Web Services standards, especially as they relate to Grid computing. Fabrizio is taking leave from CERN where he served as Project Director for EGEE.

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